Bidonio - World

Bidonio - World

A social network for global news.

Here, we’re talking real news, not Twitter-level chaos. We bring you the best-of in global corruption, a solid dose of ‘climate change is going to finish us all off,’ and, of course, the classic ‘the iPhone is the best phone because Apple gave every journalist a villa with a garden.’ But hey, the news isn’t all doom and gloom. You can follow topics that actually interest you: geek news, movies and series, or even celebrity gossip about their dream—well, more like nightmare—lives. And let’s not forget the important stuff: dudes chasing a ball for glory and millions. Oh, and if you’re into cars, you’ll get plenty of articles reminding you that you’re helping destroy the planet. And you know what? With all this, you’ll finally have something interesting to talk about at the dinner table—way more engaging than after watching a cat roll around on YouTube. Not bad, right?

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A social network for global news.
Here, we’re talking real news, not Twitter-level chaos. We bring you the best-of in global corruption, a solid dose of ‘climate change is going to finish us all off,’ and, of course, the classic ‘the iPhone is the best phone because Apple gave every journalist a villa with a garden.’ But hey, the news isn’t all doom and gloom. You can follow topics that actually interest you: geek news, movies and series, or even celebrity gossip about their dream—well, more like nightmare—lives. And let’s not forget the important stuff: dudes chasing a ball for glory and millions. Oh, and if you’re into cars, you’ll get plenty of articles reminding you that you’re helping destroy the planet. And you know what? With all this, you’ll finally have something interesting to talk about at the dinner table—way more engaging than after watching a cat roll around on YouTube. Not bad, right?
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Quick overview of the app and service design.
This overview is just the foundation, the default theme of Bidonio. But hold on, customization here isn't just some basic 'light or dark' option. Oh no, we go way beyond that.
You can totally give it a flawless look: pick your colors, change the background, the text, and even the icon colors. Yep, you can tweak everything until your app is as unique as you are. Because we know you love being fancy.
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How much does it cost and how does it work economically ?
Bidonio is free, ad-free, and we don’t sell your data to the first shark that comes along. However, if you want to unlock all our awesome features, you’ll need to spring for a small subscription. Nothing dramatic, though—the first tier costs less than a kebab... for the whole year (yep, you read that right). Basically, you toss us a few coins, we leave you alone, and keep offering you a cozy digital space to store your stuff. With that, we can (barely) survive, and you get to enjoy it in peace. Win-win, right?
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